Aunty Donna Wiki

The Crooked Cop is a character played by a John Wood in Bikie Wars in the Fresh Blood series, and later by Zachary Ruane in Bikie Wars (Live Version) in Live at the Enmore.

He's a corrupt policeman that takes bribes. He wears a light blue shirt with a police badge and a long beige coat. He thinks gangsters like the Bikie Man are big roughies.

He once caught the Bikie Man, telling him to give him a bribe or the drugs would stop, and that he'd put him in handcuffies. In response, the Bikie Man shot him in the chest, killing him. (Bikie Wars)

In a later encounter, he said he was from the police and that he was there to arrest both the Bikie Man and his geese. He was again killed by the Bikie Man. (Bikie Wars (Live Version))
